
Fort Worth Martial Arts

Learn how to protect yourself & your loved ones. And get in great shape at the same time.

Kids Martial Arts

Our kids martial arts classes are causing quite a commotion amongst parents. They're thrilled at how respectful, confident, and focused their kids have become...

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Gain the ability to take down any opponent - of any size - while getting in awesome shape with our Fort Worth Brazilian Jiu Jitsu classes...

Muay Thai Kickboxing

If you're looking for a super-intense, hardcore martial art to get your adrenaline flowin' and get you into incredible shape... Welcome to Muay Thai.

Mixed Martial Arts

Whether you want to compete, or you just want an exciting, muscle-toning sport... our MMA classes will help you develop incredible technique, get in amazing shape, and have a ton of fun along the way.

About Our School

Travis Lutter Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: The Mission Statement of Our Fort Worth Martial Arts School

We have a few simple goals here. However, we put 110% of our effort into achieving them. In short, these goals have but one purpose:

To give you the best possible martial arts training experience we possibly can. Everything we do works toward this goal. Here's the breakdown:

We strive to achieve the greatest levels of expertise in martial arts that we can. That way, we'll have answers to every one of your questions. We'll have experience and knowledge to help you with every one of your challenges. And wisdom to teach you each technique in the most efficient, effective, and enjoyable way.

From our professional equipment, to the design of our facility - everything is geared toward keeping you safe and injury-free. That way your martial arts experience will be as fun and enjoyable as possible. From stretching every limb of your body, to promoting support and friendship amongst all of our students, we promise to keep you safe and sound.

Confidence. Discipline. Focus.
We strive to not just teach you the raw techniques of martial arts - but to help you uncover its ancient wisdom to better your life. From greatly increasing your self-confidence, to learning how to use your time more efficiently, to developing laser-like focus to go after all of your goals (both in martial arts, and in life)... we aim to guide you through the ancient teachings of martial arts to help you in all areas of your life.

Our facility is cleaned daily to create a productive, enjoyable atmosphere. We take no shortcuts in cleaning to insure that you, and all of our students, stay healthy.

We're here for you in every way we can be. If you need extra guidance in learning techniques... or any struggles with your martial arts training... we're here to consult, console and help you. This emphasis on support creates a bond between student and teacher. It also creates an atmosphere of support among fellow students - who will be glad to help you in any way that they can, too.

And lastly, we strive to make our martial arts training as fun as possible. After all, all work and no play is simply boring. Each class is infused with light-hearted moments to break up the intense focus and concentration. That way you get the perfect balance of serious focus, and light fun. From lion cubs to children - fun play has been used for thousands of years as a powerful teacher. Now, as you embark in the new challenge of martial arts, it'll help you learn and absorb in a way that makes it easy to keep coming back.

Travis Lutter Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu • 1732 E Square , Fort Worth , TX 76120 (817) 781-4243

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